I created an amazing Linux desktop app using Flutter

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注册时间: 2022-03-27 23:08
系统: macos

I created an amazing Linux desktop app using Flutter


帖子 ouyangfeng2016 » 2022-03-27 23:10

I'm very happy that I released the 0.2.0 version of this app on Friday. The first version of this app was released on February 13, in that time, I decided not to tell you guys, because it was not very mature. But now, time is up, it has been refactored by BLOC pattern, it's totally new, please feel to use it.
The project link: https://github.com/air-controller/air-c ... er-desktop
Let me introduce it briefly to you. this app is called "AirController", it's a desktop app that is used to manage your Android phone's files remotely. You can use it with any Windows PC, Mac, or Linux computer, and you can access or manage your pictures, your music, your videos, or any other files, it's very handy and easy to use.
Now I will tell you how to use it!
How To Use
It's inspired by another app called "HandShaker", if you used the HandShaker app, and skipped this section, just download it using the link below and enjoy it.
Install the AirController app on the phone side.

Click this link below, download the latest version apk file and install it.
https://github.com/air-controller/air-c ... e/releases
Install the AirController app on your computer.

Click this link below, download the latest version file and install it.
https://github.com/air-controller/air-c ... /tag/0.2.0
The Linux users choose the AppImage suffix file.
The macOS users choose the dmg suffix file.
The Windows users choose the exe suffix file.

Click the link below and check it out please if you still don't know how to run the AppImage file on Linux.
Download an application, make it executable, and run! No need to install. No system libraries or system preferences are…appimage.org
Now you have installed all apps, let's get started!
Open the AirController app on your phone. It will request the storage permissions if you use it for the first time, and just accept it. It's an open-source tool app, you can know every detail by browsing the project source code. So don't worry about privacy, it's very safe, we don't collect any information.
As the same, open the AirController app on your computer.

Make sure your phone and your computer are connected to the same network, then you will see an icon with your phone name flashing on the desktop AirController app.
Click the connect button above to connect to your phone, you will enter the home page of the desktop AirController app, and see all pictures on your phone.
That's all!
In The End
This is my first Flutter app. I took four months to familiar with Flutter and developed this app.
My knowledge of the Flutter framework is almost zero when I decided to write this app.
My original intention of developing this app is to hope that we have a phone assistant desktop app for Android phones on Linux and macOS.
It's really not pretty convenient when I developed any Android apps on macOS when I can't find any good tools to manage our files on my mobile.
Now it's released, I hope you guys can enjoy it. Submit an issue to me if you encounter any problems.
Just send me a PR if you want to help me to improve this app.
Besides that, I created a Telegram channel to communicate with you guys, you can click the link below to join.
AirController official channel.t.me
By the way, write your comments please if you have any questions.
Instagram: ouyangfeng2016
帖子: 99
注册时间: 2013-12-13 6:57

Re: I created an amazing Linux desktop app using Flutter


帖子 sxgpic » 2022-03-31 22:30

This is cool.
But I use iPhone.
帖子: 5211
注册时间: 2009-12-12 19:29
系统: Kubuntu

Re: I created an amazing Linux desktop app using Flutter


帖子 mraandtux » 2022-04-04 18:00
