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帖子 flwwater » 2015-10-26 21:04

最近要接触Qt的正则表达式部份,写了个程序根本无法得到想要的效果,网上搜索了一下也基本上是不得其解。于是只能硬着头皮看文档。看英文太累,于是花了两天时间翻译的,头都大了。终于完成了,水平有限,有错误欢迎大家指正哈。这个算是Rev 1版吧,以后如果有修正,再来修改。

QRegExp Class Reference
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions.
Public Types
CaretMode { CaretAtZero, CaretAtOffset, CaretWontMatch }
PatternSyntax { RegExp, RegExp2, Wildcard, WildcardUnix, FixedString, W3CXmlSchema11 }
Public Functions

QRegExp ()

QRegExp ( const QString & pattern, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive, PatternSyntax syntax = RegExp )

QRegExp ( const QRegExp & rx )

~QRegExp ()
cap ( int nth = 0 ) const
captureCount () const
capturedTexts () const
caseSensitivity () const
errorString () const
exactMatch ( const QString & str ) const
indexIn ( const QString & str, int offset = 0, CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero ) const
isEmpty () const
isMinimal () const
isValid () const
lastIndexIn ( const QString & str, int offset = -1, CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero ) const
matchedLength () const
pattern () const
patternSyntax () const
pos ( int nth = 0 ) const
setCaseSensitivity ( Qt::CaseSensitivity cs )
setMinimal ( bool minimal )
setPattern ( const QString & pattern )
setPatternSyntax ( PatternSyntax syntax )
swap ( QRegExp & other )
operator!= ( const QRegExp & rx ) const
QRegExp &
operator= ( const QRegExp & rx )
operator== ( const QRegExp & rx ) const
Static Public Members
escape ( const QString & str )
Related Non-Members
QDataStream &
operator<< ( QDataStream & out, const QRegExp & regExp )
QDataStream &
operator>> ( QDataStream & in, QRegExp & regExp )

Detailed Description
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions.
A regular expression, or "regexp", is a pattern for matching substrings in a text. This is useful in many contexts, e.g.,
A regexp can test whether a substring meets some criteria, e.g. is an integer or contains no whitespace.
A regexp provides more powerful pattern matching than simple substring matching, e.g., match one of the words mail, letter or correspondence, but none of the words email, mailman, mailer, letterbox, etc.
Search and Replace
A regexp can replace all occurrences of a substring with a different substring, e.g., replace all occurrences of & with & except where the & is already followed by an amp;.
String Splitting
A regexp can be used to identify where a string should be split apart, e.g. splitting tab-delimited strings.
A brief introduction to regexps is presented, a description of Qt's regexp language, some examples, and the function documentation itself.
QRegExp is modeled on Perl's regexp language. It fully supports Unicode.
QRegExp can also be used in a simpler, wildcard mode that is similar to the functionality found in command shells.
The syntax rules used by QRegExp can be changed with setPatternSyntax(). In particular, the pattern syntax can be set to QRegExp::FixedString, which means the pattern to be matched is interpreted as a plain string, i.e., special characters (e.g., backslash) are not escaped.
QRegExp所使用的语法规则可以用setPatternSyntax()改变。特别地,语法模式可以设置为QRegExp::FixedString ,这意味着被匹配的模式被解释为一个普通的字符串,即:特殊字符(如反斜杠)不会被漏掉了。
A good text on regexps is Mastering Regular Expressions (Third Edition) by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl, ISBN 0-596-52812-4.
正则表达式参考书《Mastering Regular Expressions (Third Edition) 》
Regexps are built up from expressions, quantifiers, and assertions. The simplest expression is a character, e.g. x or 5. An expression can also be a set of characters enclosed in square brackets. [ABCD] will match an A or a B or a C or a D. We can write this same expression as [A-D], and an experession to match any captital letter in the English alphabet is written as [A-Z].
Regexps由表达式,量词,断言建立。最简单的表达式是一个字符。例如x或5 。一个表达式也可以是由方括号中的一系列的字符构成。例如表达式[ABCD]将匹配A或B或C或D。此表达式也可以简化成[A-D]。要一个表达式匹配所有的大写字母,可以写成[A-Z]。
A quantifier specifies the number of occurrences of an expression that must be matched. x{1,1} means match one and only one x. x{1,5} means match a sequence of x characters that contains at least one x but no more than five.

Note that in general regexps cannot be used to check for balanced brackets or tags.
For example, a regexp can be written to match an opening html <b> and its closing </b>, if the <b> tags are not nested, but if the <b> tags are nested, that same regexp will match an opening <b> tag with the wrong closing </b>.
For the fragment <b>bold <b>bolder</b></b>, the first <b> would be matched with the first </b>, which is not correct.
However, it is possible to write a regexp that will match nested brackets or tags correctly, but only if the number of nesting levels is fixed and known. If the number of nesting levels is not fixed and known, it is impossible to write a regexp that will not fail.
例如<b>bold <b>bolder</b></b>,第一个<b>和第一个</b>将会被匹配。这是错误的。

Suppose we want a regexp to match integers in the range 0 to 99. At least one digit is required, so we start with the expression [0-9]{1,1}, which matches a single digit exactly once. This regexp matches integers in the range 0 to 9. To match integers up to 99, increase the maximum number of occurrences to 2, so the regexp becomes [0-9]{1,2}.
This regexp satisfies the original requirement to match integers from 0 to 99, but it will also match integers that occur in the middle of strings.
If we want the matched integer to be the whole string, we must use the anchor assertions, ^ (caret) and $ (dollar).
When ^ is the first character in a regexp, it means the regexp must match from the beginning of the string.
When $ is the last character of the regexp, it means the regexp must match to the end of the string. The regexp becomes ^[0-9]{1,2}$.
Note that assertions, e.g. ^ and $, do not match characters but locations in the string.
注意这个断言,例如^ and $,不会匹配字符但会定位字符串。

If you have seen regexps described elsewhere, they may have looked different from the ones shown here. This is because some sets of characters and some quantifiers are so common that they have been given special symbols to represent them.
[0-9] can be replaced with the symbol \d. The quantifier to match exactly one occurrence, {1,1}, can be replaced with the expression itself, i.e. x{1,1} is the same as x. So our 0 to 99 matcher could be written as ^\d{1,2}$. It can also be written ^\d\d{0,1}$, i.e. From the start of the string, match a digit, followed immediately by 0 or 1 digits.
In practice, it would be written as ^\d\d?$. The ? is shorthand for the quantifier {0,1}, i.e. 0 or 1 occurrences. ? makes an expression optional. The regexp ^\d\d?$ means From the beginning of the string, match one digit, followed immediately by 0 or 1 more digit, followed immediately by end of string.

To write a regexp that matches one of the words 'mail' or 'letter' or 'correspondence' but does not match words that contain these words, e.g., 'email', 'mailman', 'mailer', and 'letterbox', start with a regexp that matches 'mail'. Expressed fully, the regexp is m{1,1}a{1,1}i{1,1}l{1,1}, but because a character expression is automatically quantified by {1,1}, we can simplify the regexp to mail, i.e., an 'm' followed by an 'a' followed by an 'i' followed by an 'l'. Now we can use the vertical bar |, which means or, to include the other two words, so our regexp for matching any of the three words becomes mail|letter|correspondence.
写一个表达式来匹配一个单词”mail” 或 “letter” 或”correspondence” 但不能匹配包含这些词的复合单词。例如:”email”, “mailman”,”letterbox”等,现在先开始写一个匹配“mail”的表达式,写成m{1,1}a{1,1}i{1,1}l{1,1},因为单个字符表达式自动由{1,1}量词化,我们能简单写成mail,也就是m后跟随一个a再跟随一个i再跟随一个l。现在我们能使用竖线|,它的意思是“或”,这意味着可以用来包含其它两个单词,所以我们的正则表达式可以直接写成mail|letter|correspondence 。

Match 'mail' or 'letter' or 'correspondence'. While this regexp will match one of the three words we want to match, it will also match words we don't want to match, e.g., 'email'. To prevent the regexp from matching unwanted words, we must tell it to begin and end the match at word boundaries. First we enclose our regexp in parentheses, (mail|letter|correspondence). Parentheses group expressions together, and they identify a part of the regexp that we wish to capture. Enclosing the expression in parentheses allows us to use it as a component in more complex regexps. It also allows us to examine which of the three words was actually matched. To force the match to begin and end on word boundaries, we enclose the regexp in \b word boundary assertions: \b(mail|letter|correspondence)\b. Now the regexp means: Match a word boundary, followed by the regexp in parentheses, followed by a word boundary. The \b assertion matches a position in the regexp, not a character. A word boundary is any non-word character, e.g., a space, newline, or the beginning or ending of a string.
匹配mail或letter或correspondence三个中的一个。这个表达式也可以匹配到我们不想要的词,如email。为了阻止正则式匹配到不想要的词,我们必须告诉正则式开始匹配和结束匹配的词的边界。首先我们引入圆括号,(mail|letter|correspondence)。圆括号把表达式组合在一起,他们识别我们想要捕获的表达式的一部分。引入圆括号的表达式允许我们使用它作为更复杂的表达式的一部分。它还允许我们去检查三个里的哪个被真正匹配到了。为了强制匹配词的开始和结束边界,我们引入了\b断言。\b(mail|letter|correspondence)\b 。现在的正则式的意思是:匹配一个词的边界,紧接着是圆括号中的表达式,然后是一个词的边界。这个\b断言匹配正则式中的一个位置,而非一个字符。一个词的边界是任何非单词字符,例如一个空格,新行,或者是字符串的开始或结束字符。

If we want to replace ampersand characters with the HTML entity &, the regexp to match is simply &. But this regexp will also match ampersands that have already been converted to HTML entities. We want to replace only ampersands that are not already followed by amp;. For this, we need the negative lookahead assertion, (?!__). The regexp can then be written as &(?!amp;), i.e. Match an ampersand that is not followed by amp;.
html中有&amp,如果你只想要替换html中其它的&字符,而不想替换&amp中的&,我们需要引入否定性前瞻断言(?!__) 。这时正则式能够写成&(?!amp;)。也就是匹配一个其后面不能跟随amp的&字符。

If we want to count all the occurrences of 'Eric' and 'Eirik' in a string, two valid solutions are \b(Eric|Eirik)\b and \bEi?ri[ck]\b. The word boundary assertion '\b' is required to avoid matching words that contain either name, e.g. 'Ericsson'. Note that the second regexp matches more spellings than we want: 'Eric', 'Erik', 'Eiric' and 'Eirik'.
如果我们想要计算所有的'Eric' 和'Eirik' 在一个字符串中出现的字数,两个有效的解决方案是\b(Eric|Eirik)\b 和 \bEi?ri[ck]\b 。单词边界断言\b用来避免某个单词包含其它字符,比如“Ericsson”。注意第二个表达式匹配更多的单词:'Eric', 'Erik', 'Eiric' and 'Eirik'.

Some of the examples discussed above are implemented in the code examples section.
Characters and Abbreviations for Sets of Characters
A character represents itself unless it has a special regexp meaning. e.g. c matches the character c.
A character that follows a backslash matches the character itself, except as specified below. e.g., To match a literal caret at the beginning of a string, write \^.
Matches the ASCII bell (BEL, 0x07).
Matches the ASCII form feed (FF, 0x0C).
Matches the ASCII line feed (LF, 0x0A, Unix newline).
Matches the ASCII carriage return (CR, 0x0D).
Matches the ASCII horizontal tab (HT, 0x09).
Matches the ASCII vertical tab (VT, 0x0B).
Matches the Unicode character corresponding to the hexadecimal number hhhh (between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF).
\0ooo (i.e., \zero ooo)
matches the ASCII/Latin1 character for the octal number ooo (between 0 and 0377).
. (dot)
Matches any character (including newline).
Matches a digit (Qchar::isDigit()).
Matches a non-digit.
Matches a whitespace character (Qchar::isSpace()).
Matches a non-whitespace character.
Matches a word character (QChar::isLetterOrNumber(), QChar::isMark(), or '_').
Matches a non-word character.
The n-th backreference, e.g. \1, \2, etc.
Note: The C++ compiler transforms backslashes in strings. To include a \ in a regexp, enter it twice, i.e. \\. To match the backslash character itself, enter it four times, i.e. \\\\.
注意:要包含斜杠 \ 在正则表达式里,要键入\\。要匹配斜杠它自己,需键入\\\\。

Sets of Characters
Square brackets mean match any character contained in the square brackets. The character set abbreviations described above can appear in a character set in square brackets. Except for the character set abbreviations and the following two exceptions, characters do not have special meanings in square brackets.
The caret negates the character set if it occurs as the first character (i.e. immediately after the opening square bracket). [abc] matches 'a' or 'b' or 'c', but [^abc] matches anything but 'a' or 'b' or 'c'.
脱字符^否定第一个出现的字符。例如[abc]是匹配a或b或c,然而[^abc]由于加上了脱字符后,意思是匹配任何字符,但偏偏不能是a或b或c 。
The dash indicates a range of characters. [W-Z] matches 'W' or 'X' or 'Y' or 'Z'.

Using the predefined character set abbreviations is more portable than using character ranges across platforms and languages. For example, [0-9] matches a digit in Western alphabets but \d matches a digit in any alphabet.

Note: In other regexp documentation, sets of characters are often called "character classes".
By default, an expression is automatically quantified by {1,1}, i.e. it should occur exactly once. In the following list, E stands for expression. An expression is a character, or an abbreviation for a set of characters, or a set of characters in square brackets, or an expression in parentheses.
Matches zero or one occurrences of E. This quantifier means The previous expression is optional, because it will match whether or not the expression is found. E? is the same as E{0,1}. e.g., dents? matches 'dent' or 'dents'.
匹配0次或1次E。这个量词表示前面的E是可选的,因为它可以匹配0次。此表达式可改成E{0,1}。例如表达式dents?将匹配dent或dents 。

Matches one or more occurrences of E. E+ is the same as E{1,}. e.g., 0+ matches '0', '00', '000', etc.
匹配1次或多次E。也可以改写成E{1,}。例如0+将匹配0 或00或00000等等。

Matches zero or more occurrences of E. It is the same as E{0,}. The * quantifier is often used in error where + should be used. For example, if \s*$ is used in an expression to match strings that end in whitespace, it will match every string because \s*$ means Match zero or more whitespaces followed by end of string. The correct regexp to match strings that have at least one trailing whitespace character is \s+$.
匹配0次或多次表达式E。等价于表达式E{0,} 。量词*通常错误地使用在应该用量词+的地方。例如,如\s*$被用来匹配末尾存在空格的字符串,其实它将匹配任何字符串,因为\s*$意思是匹配0个或多个字符串末尾的空格。正确的写法是用量词+的表达式\s+$来确定字符串末尾至少存在1个空格。

Matches exactly n occurrences of E. E{n} is the same as repeating E n times. For example, x{5} is the same as xxxxx. It is also the same as E{n,n}, e.g. x{5,5}.
精确匹配E出现的次数。也可以写成E{n,n}。相当于重复E多次。例如x{5}等价于xxxxx。也等价于x{5,5} 。

Matches at least n occurrences of E.

Matches at most m occurrences of E. E{,m} is the same as E{0,m}.
匹配最多出现m次的E 。也可以写成E{0,m} 。

Matches at least n and at most m occurrences of E.
匹配至少n次最多m次的E 。

To apply a quantifier to more than just the preceding character, use parentheses to group characters together in an expression. For example, tag+ matches a 't' followed by an 'a' followed by at least one 'g', whereas (tag)+ matches at least one occurrence of 'tag'.
为了用量词匹配字符前面的字符,可以使用圆括号把字符组合起来。例如tag+匹配一个t一个a和至少一个g,但是(tag)+则匹配至少一次tag 。

Note: Quantifiers are normally "greedy". They always match as much text as they can. For example, 0+ matches the first zero it finds and all the consecutive zeros after the first zero. Applied to '20005', it matches'20005'. Quantifiers can be made non-greedy, see setMinimal().
注意:量词通常是贪婪的。它们总是匹配更多的可能。例如,0+匹配第一个它们找到的0和这个0后连续的0.比如20005,它一口气匹配到了三个0 。量词能够设置为非贪婪的。参阅setMinimal() 。

Capturing Text
Parentheses allow us to group elements together so that we can quantify and capture them. For example if we have the expression mail|letter|correspondence that matches a string we know that one of the words matched but not which one. Using parentheses allows us to "capture" whatever is matched within their bounds, so if we used (mail|letter|correspondence) and matched this regexp against the string "I sent you some email" we can use the cap() or capturedTexts() functions to extract the matched characters, in this case 'mail'.
圆括号允许我们把元素组合起来以便我们能确定数量并捕获它们。例如,如果我们有个表达式 mail|letter|correspondence 匹配三个单词中的一个。使用圆括号就可以捕获任意一个。如果我们用(mail|letter|correspondence) 来匹配一个字符串"I sent you some email" ,我们能够使用cap()或者capturedTexts()函数来精确匹配字符,这里我们匹配到了“mail” 。

We can use captured text within the regexp itself. To refer to the captured text we use backreferences which are indexed from 1, the same as for cap(). For example we could search for duplicate words in a string using \b(\w+)\W+\1\b which means match a word boundary followed by one or more word characters followed by one or more non-word characters followed by the same text as the first parenthesized expression followed by a word boundary.
在表达式里我们能够捕获文本,涉及捕获文本我们使用索引从1开始的反向引用。与cap()一样。例如我们能够在一个字符串中通过使用 \b(\w+)\W+\1\b搜索重复的单词。意思是先匹配一个单词边界,然后是一个或多个单词,接着是一个或多个非单词字符,再是和第一个括号内的表达式相同的文本,最后又是一个边界。(这里的\1就是指圆括号里的\w+,反向引用。如果存在第2个圆括号,就用\2来引用)

If we want to use parentheses purely for grouping and not for capturing we can use the non-capturing syntax, e.g. (?:green|blue). Non-capturing parentheses begin '(?:' and end ')'. In this example we match either 'green' or 'blue' but we do not capture the match so we only know whether or not we matched but not which color we actually found. Using non-capturing parentheses is more efficient than using capturing parentheses since the regexp engine has to do less book-keeping.
如果我们纯粹想使用圆括号组合字符而不想用于捕获。我们可以使用非捕获语法。例如(?:green|blue) 。非捕获圆括号开始于 (?: 结束于 )。这个例子中我们匹配green或blue两者之一。但没有捕获匹配。所以我们仅知道是否已匹配了但不知道到底是哪种颜色被找到了。使用非捕获圆括号比使用捕获括号更加的有效,因为正则引擎可以做更少的簿记。

Both capturing and non-capturing parentheses may be nested.
For historical reasons, quantifiers (e.g. *) that apply to capturing parentheses are more "greedy" than other quantifiers. For example, a*(a*) will match "aaa" with cap(1) == "aaa". This behavior is different from what other regexp engines do (notably, Perl). To obtain a more intuitive capturing behavior, specify QRegExp::RegExp2 to the QRegExp constructor or call setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::RegExp2).
由于历史原因,量词(比如*)应用于捕获圆括号要比其它量词更贪婪。例如,a*(a*)将匹配“aaa”使 cap(1) = aaa 。这个行为与其它正则引擎不同(如perl)。为了获得一个更直观的捕获行为,详细指定了QRegExp::RegExp2 或调用setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::RegExp2)。

When the 不of matches cannot be determined in advance, a common idiom is to use cap() in a loop. For example:

QRegExp rx("(\\d+)");
QString str = "Offsets: 12 14 99 231 7";
QStringList list;
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = rx.indexIn(str, pos)) != -1) {
list << rx.cap(1);
pos += rx.matchedLength();
// list: ["12", "14", "99", "231", "7"]
Assertions make some statement about the text at the point where they occur in the regexp but they do not match any characters. In the following list E stands for any expression.
The caret signifies the beginning of the string. If you wish to match a literal ^ you must escape it by writing \\^. For example, ^#include will only match strings which begin with the characters '#include'.
(When the caret is the first character of a character set it has a special meaning, see Sets of Characters.)
脱字符指字符串的最开始的地方。如果你想要匹配普通字符^,你必须写成\\^。例如^#include将仅匹配#include开头的字符串。(当 ^是一个字符集首的时候有特殊含义,指排除)
The dollar signifies the end of the string. For example \d\s*$ will match strings which end with a digit optionally followed by whitespace. If you wish to match a literal $ you must escape it by writing \\$.
A word boundary. For example the regexp \bOK\b means match immediately after a word boundary (e.g. start of string or whitespace) the letter 'O' then the letter 'K' immediately before another word boundary (e.g. end of string or whitespace). But note that the assertion does not actually match any whitespace so if we write (\bOK\b) and we have a match it will only contain 'OK' even if the string is "It's OK now".
单词边界。例如 \bOK\b 指匹配OK,这个OK前后有空格或OK在字符串最开始的地方或结束的地方。但要注意此断言不匹配空格。所以我们写的这个断言仅包含OK,哪怕OK左右都是空格。"It's OK now".
A non-word boundary. This assertion is true wherever \b is false. For example if we searched for \Bon\B in "Left on" the match would fail (space and end of string aren't non-word boundaries), but it would match in "tonne".
非单词边界。此断言当\b断言为假时为真。例如我们在字符串Left on 中搜索\Bon\B,匹配失败(空格和尾字符不是非单词边界),但它可以匹配tonne 。因为tonne中的on不是一个独立的单词。
Positive lookahead. This assertion is true if the expression matches at this point in the regexp. For example, const(?=\s+char) matches 'const' whenever it is followed by 'char', as in 'static const char *'. (Compare with const\s+char, which matches 'static const char *'.)
先行断言。此断言为真的条件是表达式匹配某个位置。例如:const(?=\s+char) 匹配const每当它跟随在char后,就像在static const char * 中(对于表达式const\s+char来说,它匹配static const char *)
Negative lookahead. This assertion is true if the expression does not match at this point in the regexp. For example, const(?!\s+char) matches 'const' except when it is followed by 'char'.
负向先行断言。此断言为真的条件是表达式不匹配某个位置。例如const(?!\s+char) 的意思是当char后跟随const时匹配失败。
Wildcard Matching
Most command shells such as bash or cmd.exe support "file globbing", the ability to identify a group of files by using wildcards. The setPatternSyntax() function is used to switch between regexp and wildcard mode. Wildcard matching is much simpler than full regexps and has only four features:
许多命令行shell,例如bash或cmd.exe支持文件名替换。通过使用通配符能识别文件的类型。setPatternSyntax() 函数用来在正则和通配符之间转换。通配符匹配比全功能的正则要简单许多,它只有4种类型:

Any character represents itself apart from those mentioned below. Thus c matches the character c.
任何字符代表它本身(除了下面提到的),因此c匹配一个字符c 。
Matches any single character. It is the same as . in full regexps.
Matches zero or more of any characters. It is the same as .* in full regexps.
匹配0个或多个任意字符。相当于正则中的.* 。
Sets of characters can be represented in square brackets, similar to full regexps. Within the character class, like outside, backslash has no special meaning.
In the mode Wildcard, the wildcard characters cannot be escaped. In the mode WildcardUnix, the character '\' escapes the wildcard.
For example if we are in wildcard mode and have strings which contain filenames we could identify HTML files with *.html. This will match zero or more characters followed by a dot followed by 'h', 't', 'm' and 'l'.
在通配符模式,通配符不能被避开。在 WildcardUnix模式,字符\能够避开通配符。
例如我们在通配符模式下,并且有一个字符串包含文件名,我们能够以*.html 来识别HTML文件。这将匹配0个或多个字符后面跟随.字符,再跟随h,t,m,l 。

To test a string against a wildcard expression, use exactMatch(). For example:
QRegExp rx("*.txt");
rx.exactMatch("README.txt"); // returns true
rx.exactMatch("welcome.txt.bak"); // returns false
Notes for Perl Users
Most of the character class abbreviations supported by Perl are supported by QRegExp, see characters and abbreviations for sets of characters.
In QRegExp, apart from within character classes, ^ always signifies the start of the string, so carets must always be escaped unless used for that purpose. In Perl the meaning of caret varies automagically depending on where it occurs so escaping it is rarely necessary. The same applies to $ which in QRegExp always signifies the end of the string.
QRegExp's quantifiers are the same as Perl's greedy quantifiers (but see the note above). Non-greedy matching cannot be applied to individual quantifiers, but can be applied to all the quantifiers in the pattern. For example, to match the Perl regexp ro+?m requires:
QRegExp rx("ro+m");
The equivalent of Perl's /i option is setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive).
Perl's /g option can be emulated using a loop.
In QRegExp . matches any character, therefore all QRegExp regexps have the equivalent of Perl's /s option. QRegExp does not have an equivalent to Perl's /m option, but this can be emulated in various ways for example by splitting the input into lines or by looping with a regexp that searches for newlines.
Because QRegExp is string oriented, there are no \A, \Z, or \z assertions. The \G assertion is not supported but can be emulated in a loop.
Perl's $& is cap(0) or capturedTexts()[0]. There are no QRegExp equivalents for $`, $' or $+. Perl's capturing variables, $1, $2, ... correspond to cap(1) or capturedTexts()[1], cap(2) or capturedTexts()[2], etc.
Perl的$&是cap(0)或capturedTexts()[0] 。对于$`,$' 或$+,QRegExp没有相似的功能。Perl的捕获变量$1,$2,….则符合QRegExt中的cap(1) , cap(2) , …….
To substitute a pattern use QString::replace().
Perl's extended /x syntax is not supported, nor are directives, e.g. (?i), or regexp comments, e.g. (?#comment). On the other hand, C++'s rules for literal strings can be used to achieve the same:
QRegExp mark("\\b" // word boundary
"[Mm]ark" // the word we want to match
Both zero-width positive and zero-width negative lookahead assertions (?=pattern) and (?!pattern) are supported with the same syntax as Perl. Perl's lookbehind assertions, "independent" subexpressions and conditional expressions are not supported.
零宽先行断言(?=pattern) 和负向先行断言(?!pattern) 以相同的Perl语法被支持。而后行断言,独立的子表达式和条件表达式则不被支持。
Non-capturing parentheses are also supported, with the same (?:pattern) syntax.
非捕获圆括号是被支持的,有相同的语法(?:pattern) 。
See QString::split() and QStringList::join() for equivalents to Perl's split and join functions.
Perl中的分割和连接功能可参考QString::split() 和 QStringList::join() 。
Note: because C++ transforms \'s they must be written twice in code, e.g. \b must be written \\b.
注意:由于C++ 的转换,\必须写2次。例如\b 必须写成 \\b.
Code Examples
QRegExp rx("^\\d\\d?$"); // match integers 0 to 99
rx.indexIn("123"); // returns -1 (no match)
rx.indexIn("-6"); // returns -1 (no match)
rx.indexIn("6"); // returns 0 (matched as position 0)
The third string matches '6'. This is a simple validation regexp for integers in the range 0 to 99.
第三个字符串匹配到了 '6' 。(?号匹配0次或1次)

QRegExp rx("^\\S+$"); // match strings without whitespace
rx.indexIn("Hello world"); // returns -1 (no match)
rx.indexIn("This_is-OK"); // returns 0 (matched at position 0)
The second string matches 'This_is-OK'. We've used the character set abbreviation '\S' (non-whitespace) and the anchors to match strings which contain no whitespace.
第二个字符串匹配到了 'This_is-OK' 。(+号匹配1次或多次)

In the following example we match strings containing 'mail' or 'letter' or 'correspondence' but only match whole words i.e. not 'email'
下面的例子我们匹配字符串,它包含'mail' 或 'letter' 或 'correspondence' ,但必须包含整个单词,不能包含像email之类的单词。

QRegExp rx("\\b(mail|letter|correspondence)\\b");
rx.indexIn("I sent you an email"); // returns -1 (no match)
rx.indexIn("Please write the letter"); // returns 17
The second string matches "Please write the letter". The word 'letter' is also captured (because of the parentheses). We can see what text we've captured like this:
第二个字符串匹配到了"Please write the letter" (因为有圆括号)。我们可以用下面的方法看什么字符串被捕获到了。

QString captured = rx.cap(1); // captured == "letter"
This will capture the text from the first set of capturing parentheses (counting capturing left parentheses from left to right). The parentheses are counted from 1 since cap(0) is the whole matched regexp (equivalent to '&' in most regexp engines).

QRegExp rx("&(?!amp;)"); // match ampersands but not &
QString line1 = "This & that"; //匹配&但不包含&amp中的&;
line1.replace(rx, "&");
// line1 == "This & that"
QString line2 = "His & hers & theirs";
line2.replace(rx, "&");
// line2 == "His & hers & theirs"
Here we've passed the QRegExp to QString's replace() function to replace the matched text with new text.

QString str = "One Eric another Eirik, and an Ericsson. "
"How many Eiriks, Eric?";
QRegExp rx("\\b(Eric|Eirik)\\b"); // match Eric or Eirik
int pos = 0; // where we are in the string
int count = 0; // how many Eric and Eirik's we've counted
while (pos >= 0) {
pos = rx.indexIn(str, pos);
if (pos >= 0) {
++pos; // move along in str
++count; // count our Eric or Eirik
We've used the indexIn() function to repeatedly match the regexp in the string. Note that instead of moving forward by one character at a time pos++ we could have written pos += rx.matchedLength() to skip over the already matched string. The count will equal 3, matching 'One Eric another Eirik, and an Ericsson. How many Eiriks, Eric?'; it doesn't match 'Ericsson' or 'Eiriks' because they are not bounded by non-word boundaries.
我们使用了indexIn() 函数在字符串中重复匹配正则。注意代替一次前移一个字符pos++可以写成pos += rx.matchedLength() 来跳过已经匹配到的字符串。匹配数量等于3,匹配到'One Eric another Eirik, and an Ericsson. How many Eiriks, Eric?';它没有匹配到'Ericsson' 或 'Eiriks' 是因为它们没有边界。
One common use of regexps is to split lines of delimited data into their component fields.
str = "Nokia Corporation\tqt.nokia.com\tNorway";
QString company, web, country;
if (rx.indexIn(str) != -1) {
company = rx.cap(1);
web = rx.cap(2);
country = rx.cap(3);
In this example our input lines have the format company name, web address and country. Unfortunately the regexp is rather long and not very versatile -- the code will break if we add any more fields. A simpler and better solution is to look for the separator, '\t' in this case, and take the surrounding text. The QString::split() function can take a separator string or regexp as an argument and split a string accordingly.
QStringList field = str.split("\t");
Here field[0] is the company, field[1] the web address and so on.
这里 field[0] = company,field[1] = web address ,诸如此类。
To imitate the matching of a shell we can use wildcard mode.
QRegExp rx("*.html");
rx.exactMatch("index.html"); // returns true
rx.exactMatch("default.htm"); // returns false
rx.exactMatch("readme.txt"); // returns false
Wildcard matching can be convenient because of its simplicity, but any wildcard regexp can be defined using full regexps, e.g. .*\.html$. Notice that we can't match both .html and .htm files with a wildcard unless we use *.htm* which will also match 'test.html.bak'. A full regexp gives us the precision we need, .*\.html?$.
通配符匹配因为简单所以便利。但任何通配符正则能够被定义使用全功能的正则。例如改成 .*\.html$ 。注意此表达式不能匹配.html 和.htm 两者。只能匹配.html 。除非改写成 *.htm* 。但这会匹配到不想要的文本,比如test.html.bak 。全功能的正则给了我们精确的能力 .*\.html?$ 。

QRegExp can match case insensitively using setCaseSensitivity(), and can use non-greedy matching, see setMinimal(). By default QRegExp uses full regexps but this can be changed with setWildcard(). Searching can be forward with indexIn() or backward with lastIndexIn(). Captured text can be accessed using capturedTexts() which returns a string list of all captured strings, or using cap() which returns the captured string for the given index. The pos() function takes a match index and returns the position in the string where the match was made (or -1 if there was no match).
QRegExp用setCaseSensitivity()函数能够匹配需要区分大小写的字符串。也能使用非贪婪模式,请参阅 setMinimal() 。默认情况下QRegExp使用完整的正则,您可以通过setWildcard()来改变。还有一些如indexIn(),lastIndexIn(),capturedTexts(),cap(),pos() 函数请自行参阅帮助文档。
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