
帖子: 75
注册时间: 2017-04-22 19:12
系统: Ubuntu22



帖子 eremiter » 2022-10-31 22:31


代码: 全选

postgres@my:~/Python-3.5.10$[b] pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0[/b]
Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'gtk+-2.0' found
postgres@my:~/Python-3.5.10$ [b]pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0[/b]
Package glib-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `glib-2.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'glib-2.0' found

代码: 全选

pkg-config --list-all grep gtk
adwaita-icon-theme             gnome-icon-theme - A collection of icons used as the basis for GNOME themes
applewmproto                   AppleWMProto - AppleWM extension headers
bash-completion                bash-completion - programmable completion for the bash shell
bigreqsproto                   BigReqsProto - BigReqs extension headers
compositeproto                 CompositeExt - Composite extension headers
damageproto                    DamageProto - Damage extension headers
dbus-1                         dbus - Free desktop message bus
dmxproto                       DMXProto - DMX extension headers
dpmsproto                      DPMSProto - DPMS extension headers
dri2proto                      DRI2Proto - DRI2 extension headers
dri3proto                      DRI3Proto - DRI3 extension headers
expat                          expat - expat XML parser
fixesproto                     FixesProto - X Fixes extension headers
fontconfig                     Fontconfig - Font configuration and customization library
fontsproto                     FontsProto - Fonts extension headers
fontutil                       FontUtil - Font utilities dirs
form                           form - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
formw                          formw - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
freetype2                      FreeType 2 - A free, high-quality, and portable font engine.
gcalc-2                        libgcalc - GNOME Calculator Libray
gci-1                          libgcalc - GNOME Calculator Libray GTK Interface
geoclue-2.0                    Geoclue - The Geoinformation Service
glproto                        GLProto - GL extension headers
grilo-plugins-0.3              Grilo Framework Plugins - Plugins for the Grilo Framework
ibus-table                     IBus-Table - Table Based Input Method Framework for Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
inputproto                     InputProto - Input extension headers
iso-codes                      iso-codes - ISO country, language, script and currency codes and translations
kbproto                        KBProto - KB extension headers
libbrotlicommon                libbrotlicommon - Brotli common dictionary library
libbrotlidec                   libbrotlidec - Brotli decoder library
libbrotlienc                   libbrotlienc - Brotli encoder library
libcrypt                       libxcrypt - Extended crypt library for DES, MD5, Blowfish and others
libcrypto                      OpenSSL-libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptography library
libffi                         libffi - Library supporting Foreign Function Interfaces
liblzma                        liblzma - General purpose data compression library
libnsl                         libnsl - Library containing NIS functions using TI-RPC (IPv6 enabled)
libpainter                     libpainter - Library for manipulating memory bitmaps.
libpcap                        libpcap - Platform-independent network traffic capture library
libpng                         libpng - Loads and saves PNG files
libpng16                       libpng - Loads and saves PNG files
libssl                         OpenSSL-libssl - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries
libtirpc                       libtirpc - Transport Independent RPC Library
libxcrypt                      libxcrypt - Extended crypt library for DES, MD5, Blowfish and others
menu                           menu - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
menuw                          menuw - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
mobile-broadband-provider-info mobile-broadband-provider-info - Mobile Broadband Service Provider Information Database
ncurses                        ncurses - ncurses 6.3 library
ncurses++                      ncurses++ - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
ncurses++w                     ncurses++w - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
ncursesw                       ncursesw - ncurses 6.3 library
openssl                        OpenSSL - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools
panel                          panel - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
panelw                         panelw - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
poppler-data                   poppler-data - Encoding files for use with poppler
presentproto                   PresentProto - Present extension headers
pthread-stubs                  pthread stubs - Meta package for pthread symbols - defaults to heavyweight ones if the C runtime does not provide lightweight ones.
python-3.10                    Python - Build a C extension for Python
python-3.10-embed              Python - Embed Python into an application
python3                        Python - Build a C extension for Python
python3-embed                  Python - Embed Python into an application
randrproto                     RandrProto - Randr extension headers
readline                       Readline - Gnu Readline library for command line editing
recordproto                    RecordProto - Record extension headers
renderproto                    RenderProto - Render extension headers
resourceproto                  ResourceProto - Resource extension headers
rfxcodec                       rfxcodec - Fast jpeg2000 codec compatible with MS RDP servers and xrdp
scrnsaverproto                 ScrnSaverProto - ScrnSaver extension headers
shared-mime-info               shared-mime-info - Freedesktop common MIME database
sqlite3                        SQLite - SQL database engine
systemd                        systemd - systemd System and Service Manager
tcl                            Tool Command Language - Tcl is a powerful, easy-to-learn dynamic programming language, suitable for a wide range of uses.
tcl8.6                         Tool Command Language - Tcl is a powerful, easy-to-learn dynamic programming language, suitable for a wide range of uses.
tic                            tic - ncurses 6.3 add-on library
tinfo                          tinfo - ncurses 6.3 terminal interface library
tk                             The Tk Toolkit - Tk is a cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit, the standard GUI not only for Tcl, but for many other dynamic languages as well.
tk8.6                          The Tk Toolkit - Tk is a cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit, the standard GUI not only for Tcl, but for many other dynamic languages as well.
udev                           udev - udev
uuid                           uuid - Universally unique id library
videoproto                     VideoProto - Video extension headers
x11                            X11 - X Library
xau                            Xau - X authorization file management libary
xbitmaps                       X bitmaps - Bitmaps that are shared between X applications
xcb                            XCB - X-protocol C Binding
xcmiscproto                    XCMiscProto - XCMisc extension headers
xdmcp                          Xdmcp - X Display Manager Control Protocol library
xext                           Xext - Misc X Extension Library
xextproto                      XExtProto - XExt extension headers
xf86bigfontproto               XF86BigFontProto - XF86BigFont extension headers
xf86dgaproto                   XF86DGAProto - XF86DGA extension headers
xf86driproto                   XF86DRIProto - XF86DRI extension headers
xf86vidmodeproto               XF86VidModeProto - XF86VidMode extension headers
xft                            Xft - X FreeType library
xineramaproto                  XineramaProto - Xinerama extension headers
xkbcomp                        xkbcomp - XKB keymap compiler
xkeyboard-config               XKeyboardConfig - X Keyboard configuration data
xorg-sgml-doctools             xorg-sgml-doctools - Stylesheets and entities for X.Org documentation
xorg-wacom                     xorg-wacom - X.Org Wacom Tablet driver.
xpm                            Xpm - X Pixmap Library
xproto                         Xproto - Xproto headers
xrdp                           xrdp - An open source Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server
xrender                        Xrender - X Render Library
xscrnsaver                     XScrnSaver - The XScrnSaver Library
xtrans                         XTrans - Abstract network code for X
yelp-xsl                       yelp-xsl - Yelp XSLT Stylesheets
zlib                           zlib - zlib compression library

代码: 全选

postgres@my:~/Python-3.5.10$ dpkg -s libgtk-3-0|grep '^Version' 
Version: 3.24.33-1ubuntu2
postgres@my:~/Python-3.5.10$ dpkg -s libgtk-3-0|grep '^Version' | cut -d' ' -f2- 
postgres@servers:~/Python-3.5.10$ env | grep gtk

postgres@my:~/Python-3.5.10$ dpkg-query -W libgtk-3-bin
libgtk-3-bin    3.24.33-1ubuntu2
帖子: 6534
注册时间: 2008-09-18 13:11

Re: 如果查看ubuntu22是哪个GTK


帖子 astolia » 2022-11-01 10:23


代码: 全选

命令 --help
man 命令
帖子: 75
注册时间: 2017-04-22 19:12
系统: Ubuntu22

Re: 如果查看ubuntu22是哪个GTK


帖子 eremiter » 2022-11-01 17:27

astolia 写了: 2022-11-01 10:23 看着你没头苍蝇一样执行一些自己都不知道什么意思的命令的样子真好笑

代码: 全选

命令 --help
man 命令

帖子: 6534
注册时间: 2008-09-18 13:11

Re: 如果查看ubuntu22是哪个GTK


帖子 astolia » 2022-11-02 10:55

代码: 全选

apt depends 包名