
帖子: 1038
注册时间: 2012-06-09 15:40

Re: Ubuntu&Fedora装机&Mac装机(Mac装机将会持续更新)


帖子 243750496 » 2017-07-28 14:45

Ubuntu budgie 17.04安装指南

NVIDIA X配置文件路径 /etc/X11/xorg.conf
(配置文件路径有时候会是空白的 选择此路径即可)

auto-apt run ./configure
sudo checkinstall

curl https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/brave-apt/keys.asc | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/brave-apt `lsb_release -sc` main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-`lsb_release -sc`.list
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential exfat-utils gir1.2-webkit-3.0 checkinstall auto-apt libglu1-mesa:i386 network-manager-openvpn-gnome network-manager-openvpn phablet-tools android-tools-adb btrfs-tools dmsetup e2fsprogs f2fs-tools dosfstools hfsutils hfsprogs jfsutils mdadm util-linux lvm2 ntfs-3g reiser4progs reiserfsprogs xfsprogs nfs-common nfs-kernel-server gparted seahorse testdisk rar unrar synaptic python3-pip flashplugin-installer brave
sudo apt-get remove chromium-browser
cd ~/Downloads
wget -O brave.deb https://laptop-updates.brave.com/latest/dev/ubuntu64
sudo dpkg -i brave.deb

sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo pip remove python2
python setup.py install --record log
cat log | xargs rm -rf
python ./setup.py install --record install.txt
cat install.txt | xargs rm -rf
sudo pip install *.tar.gz
pip search *

sudo pip3 install ffmulticonverter-1.8.0.tar.gz

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/
sudo cp /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/manifest.json /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/
sudo cp /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libpepflashplayer.so /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/




# -----------------------------------------------------------
# -- Write psdthumbnailer
# -----------------------------------------------------------
sudo cat <<'EOF'
# bin/bash
# Arguments / Parameters %i %o %s
# Execute Convert PSD to PNG through ImageMagick
exec convert "psd:$f_in[0]" -scale "$f_sizex$f_size" "png:$f_out"
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# -- Write photoshop.thumbnailer
# -----------------------------------------------------------
sudo cat <<'EOF'
# bin/bash
[Thumbnailer Entry]
Exec=/usr/lib/psdthumbnailer %i %o %s
MimeType=image/vnd.adobe.photoshop; image/x-photoshop; image/x-psd;
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# -- Set File Permissions
# -----------------------------------------------------------
sudo chmod 0755 /usr/lib/psdthumbnailer
sudo chmod 0644 /usr/share/thumbnailers/photoshop.thumbnailer

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# -- Add GConf Hooks to parse thumbnails
# -----------------------------------------------------------
sudo gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/image@vnd.adobe.photoshop/enable --type bool true

sudo gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/image@vnd.adobe.photoshop/command --type string "/usr/lib/psdthumbnailer %i %o %s %i %o %s"

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# -- Install Dependencies
# -----------------------------------------------------------

sudo apt-get install imagemagick


To get XCF thumbnails in Nautilus, firstly install gnome-xcf-thumbnailer. In Ubuntu, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install gnome-xcf-thumbnailer

At this point the the thumbnails don't work yet because GNOME XCF Thumbnailer doesn't install a .thumbnailer file, required by Nautilus 3.x. To fix this, use the following commands:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/thumbnailers/
echo -e "[Thumbnailer Entry]\nTryExec=gnome-xcf-thumbnailer\nExec=gnome-xcf-thumbnailer %i %o\nMimeType=image/x-xcf;image/x-compressed-xcf;" | sudo tee /usr/share/thumbnailers/gnome-xcf.thumbnailer
New XCF files (or if you move some already existing XCF files) should have thumbnails now but existing ones may not get thumbnails yet. Let's fix this too by removing the failed thumbnails from cache:
rm -r ~/.thumbnails/fail
rm -r ~/.cache/thumbnails/fail

That's it. Nautilus should now display XCF file thumbnails, as you can see in my screenshot above. I've tested this with Nautilus
, 3.6 and 3.8.


sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

answered Jan 5 '15
updated Jan 5 '15
Using gsettings, for example:

$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout 'minimize,maximize,close:'
That command will put Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons to the left. You can change the order and which buttons to use. (If you put : in front, buttons will be aligned to the right).



sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools

cd ~/Downloads
sh *.run --extract-only
cd N*39/13(注:375.39/378.13)
wget https://pkgs.rpmfusion.org/cgit/nonfree ... 4.10.patch
patch -p1 <<< $(curl https://pkgs.rpmfusion.org/cgit/nonfree ... 4.10.patch)(注:curl)
patch -p1 < ./kernel*.patch(注:wget)
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo reboot
sudo service lightdm stop(一定要有service!)
cd ~/Downloads/N*39/13(注:375.39/378.13)
sudo ./nvidia-installer


maybe it is too late ,but hope can help for others. the follow tips worked for ubuntu 16.04 and elementary os 0.4.

remove all nvidia packages ,skip this if your system is fresh installed

sudo apt-get remove nvidia* && sudo apt autoremove
install some packages for build kernel:

sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential linux-headers-generic
now block and disable nouveau kernel driver:

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Insert follow lines to the blacklist.conf:

blacklist nouveau
blacklist lbm-nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
alias nouveau off
alias lbm-nouveau off
save and exit.

Disable the Kernel nouveau by typing the following commands(nouveau-kms.conf may not exist,it is ok):

echo options nouveau modeset=0 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf
build the new kernel by:

sudo update-initramfs -u

As the error states, you are still running an X server. This error occurs when you try to install the Nvidia .run files while logged in.

Make sure you are logged out.

Hit CTRL+ALT+F1 and login using your credentials.
kill your current X server session by typing sudo service lightdm stop or sudo lightdm stop
Enter runlevel 3 by typing sudo init 3 and install your *.run file.
You might be required to reboot when the installation finishes. If not, run sudo service lightdm start or sudo start lightdm to start your X server again.

sudo sh /usr/bin/nvidia-bug-report.sh
sudo nvidia-xconfig -sli=on -multigpu=on

apt-cache policy gparted
sudo snap install --edge --devmode gallery-app







sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-cache search <你要查找的name>


sudo apt-get install <你要安装的软件包>


apt-get source <你要下载的源代码包名>



http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-h ... ng.en.html




sudo apt-get update



#apt-get install packagename



-h This help text.

-d Download only - do NOT install or unpack archives

-f Attempt to continue if the integrity check fails

-s No-act. Perform ordering simulation

-y Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt

-u Show a list of upgraded packages as well


#apt-get install packagename-

在需要卸载的包后面加上一个'-'(我没有实验过),当然可以apt-get install p1 p2-这样多个命令合并了,装p1卸p2。


#apt-get remove packagename



#apt-get --purge remove packagename



#apt-get remove packagename+



#apt-get --reinstall install packagename




#apt-get -u upgrade

这里加上-u选项列出将要升级的软件,可能会提示有些软件不会升级,因为可能会破坏依赖关系,更好的方法是利用apt-get dist-upgrade

你可以通过cd或者添加源地址来更新,如果你想从cd来升级,首先运行apt-cdrom把cd中的软件添加到/etc/apt/sources源中,然后运行apt-get dist-upgrade来升级,但是因为apt-get总是使用最新版本,如果cd中的不是最新的版本,那么也不会用到cd。


#apt-get -u dist-upgrade

这样安装的软件前面apt-get -u upgrade安不了的也会安装了,但个别的仍然不能安装,例如:升级会导致需要卸载一些包,卸载这些包会导致另外的软件不能用,所以就不升级了。


#apt-get -u install packagename



用apt-get 安装软件包的时候,apt会从/etc/apt/sources.list里面将相应的软件包恢复出来,把它们存放在一个本地的文档库中(/var/cache/apt/archives/)然后才开始安装,随着时间的增长,这将不断地消耗硬盘的空间。


#apt-get clean

这会清理所/var/cache/apt/archives/ 和 /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/中没有被锁定的文件。当然你再次安装软件的时候,这个软件又被恢复到本地文档库中了。


#apt-get autoclean

这会清理旧版本的/var/cache/apt/archives/ 和 /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/中的文件。旧版本是指已经有更新的版本的软件了,再下载的话应下载最新的而不是这个旧版本的了。根据apt-show-versions -p可以知道哪些是旧的。


# apt-get install package=version



#apt-cache search packagename



# apt-cache show stella



apt-cache showpkg packagename



$ apt-show-versions -u



apt-show-versions -p packagename


#apt-cache depends packagename



# apt-get build-dep packagename



#apt-cache show packagename



$ apt-get source packagename


.dsc文件被dpkg-source使用,把源代码包解压到目录 packagename-version.每一个下载的源代码包里面都有一个debian/目录,这个目录包含了用于创建.deb包的文件。


$ apt-get -b source packagename



$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b



# dpkg -i file.deb




# dpkg -S stdio.h


libc6-dev: /usr/include/stdio.h

libc6-dev: /usr/include/bits/stdio.h

perl: /usr/lib/perl/5.6.0/CORE/nostdio.h



dpkg -l


# auto-apt run command

这里,command是你要运行的命令。例如 auto-apt run ./configure .当缺失依赖软件的时候,它会询问你安装,方便了编译。安装之后会继续运行。auto-apt需要保持一个最新的数据库,利用这个命令进行更新:auto-apt update, auto-apt updatedb and auto-apt update-local。



$ apt-file search filename

如果你只知道程序名字filename,那么你可以运行这个命令,它的工作方式和 dpkg -S差不多,就是根据某个软件包里可能包含的文件来查找这个软件包的名字。另外,它也会显示包含这个文件的没有安装的软件包。当你编译的时候,提示缺了什么头文件的时候,利用这个很方便地确定需要装哪些软件包(当然利用audo-apt更方便).


$apt-file list packagename



# apt-file update



sudo apt-get install ardour audacity bleachbit blender brasero cecilia converseen deluge fcitx firefox freecad gimp goldendict guvcview guitarix hydrogen kazam krita librecad lives lmms meterbridge mixxx musescore openshot scribus virtualbox pitivi playonlinux rawtherapee rednotebook rosegarden soundconverter truecrypt uget tuxguitar vlc gnome-tweak-tool dconf-editor


nutstore nod32 sougoupinyin crossover displaycal ffmulticonverter Goldendict词典文件 ue4 qt steam wicreset wiznote gitter

使用dconf Editor更改最大化、最小化、关闭和菜单按钮的位置

{'Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu': <0>, 'Gtk/DecorationLayout': <'minimize,close,maximize:menu'>}



UE4 Depends
sudo apt-get install build-essential mono-mcs mono-devel mono-xbuild mono-dmcs mono-reference-assemblies-4.0 libmono-system-data-datasetextensions4.0-cil libmono-system-web-extensions4.0-cil libmono-system-management4.0-cil libmono-system-xml-linq4.0-cil cmake dos2unix clang-4.0 libfreetype6-dev libgtk-3-dev libmono-microsoft-build-tasks-v4.0-4.0-cil xdg-user-dirs

Setup the PPTP connection

Expand the connection menu by clicking the up/down arrow icon in the system taskbar. Then, click on Edit Connections to open the Network Connections control panel.
Click the Add button to add a new VPN configuration.
When prompted to choose a connection type, choose Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and click the Create button.
In the Connection name: textbox, enter "VyprVPN (PPTP)"
In the Gateway field enter one of the following server hostnames. View the list of server addresses here.
In the User name: textbox, enter your login.
In the Password: textbox, enter your password.
Click the Advanced button to bring up an additional settings dialog.
Check the Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE) box.

Click the OK button
Click the Save button (you may be prompted to enter your password to store the configuration securely)
Restart Network Manager (The best way we have found to restart Network Manager is to open a terminal and type "sudo restart network-manager". This will disconnect all of your network connections)
Establish a secure connection

In the system taskbar, click on the up/down arrow icon to bring up the connection menu.
Mouse over VPN Connections and select VyprVPN (PPTP).
After a few seconds, you will receive a pop-up notification that the connection has been established.
You can check your IP here:https://www.goldenfrog.com/whatismyipaddress

VyprVPN Free accounts are limited to using our Desktop and Mobile applications to connect to our VPN service. Please see "What is VyprVPN Free?" for more information.

Follow the steps below to configure OpenVPN on your Ubuntu machine. This tutorial was created using Ubuntu 16.04.1.

1. Open Terminal, which you can find by using the Ubuntu search feature.

2. Type the following command string and press Enter:

sudo apt-get install -y network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome

This will install the necessary OpenVPN packages on the machine and add OpenVPN as an option in the desktop VPN configuration menu.

3. Restart network-manager by typing the following command and pressing Enter:

sudo service network-manager restart

4. Download the Golden Frog CA certificate and place it in the OpenVPN folder on your machine by typing the following command and pressing Enter. Ignore line breaks. This is one single command.

sudo wget https://support.goldenfrog.com/hc/artic ... pn.com.crt /etc/openvpn

5. Configure the OpenVPN connection by opening Network Connections. You can locate this by using the Ubuntu search feature.

6. Click Add.

7. Under VPN in the drop-down, choose OpenVPN and click Create.

8. Edit the information in the configuration screen as follows:

Connection name: VyprVPN
Gateway: Enter a server address. View a list of server addresses here.
Type: Select Password
Username: Your Golden Frog account email address
Password: Your Golden Frog account password
CA Certificate: Browse to /etc/openvpn and select ca.vyprvpn.com.crt

9. Click Advanced.

10. Check the option for Use LZO data compression and click OK.

11. Click Save.

How to Connect and Disconnect:

1. Click the Network Connections icon at the top of your desktop in right area of the menu bar. It will generally look like two arrows opposite each other or a WiFi signal.

2. Scroll down to VPN Connections.

3. Click VyprVPN and wait for the connection to establish.

4. You will see a pop-up once connected. Additionally, a lock icon will appear by your network icon in the top menu bar.

5. To disconnect any any time, navigate back to the Network Connections drop-down in the top menu bar, click VPN Connections, and then click Disconnect VPN.

6. Enjoy VyprVPN on your Ubuntu machine!


代码: 全选

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update

9.3. Run levels

A run level is a state of init and the whole system that defines what system services are operating. Run levels are identified by numbers. Some system administrators use run levels to define which subsystems are working, e.g., whether X is running, whether the network is operational, and so on. Others have all subsystems always running or start and stop them individually, without changing run levels, since run levels are too coarse for controlling their systems. You need to decide for yourself, but it might be easiest to follow the way your Linux distribution does things.

The following table defines how most Linux Distributions define the different run levels. However, run-levels 2 through 5 can be modified to suit your own tastes.

Table 9-1. Run level numbers

0 Halt the system.
1 Single-user mode (for special administration).
2 Local Multiuser with Networking but without network service (like NFS)
3 Full Multiuser with Networking
4 Not Used
5 Full Multiuser with Networking and X Windows(GUI)
6 Reboot.

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-wacom (必须是3.4才有PTH660 K1F驱动)
然后打开蓝牙选择BTIntousPro M
注:LEIntousPro M不需要连连上了会立马断掉
wacom cintiq如果使用的话是不可以连接显示器的(显示器和wacom新帝冲突),但是不需要高版本驱动

软件的ppa Ubuntu 17.04已经正式发布但是有些ppa 仍然不能用但是先发上来省的去爬楼了(需要的话)
sudo apt-get install gir1.2-webkit-3.0 for Anoise bug
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:costales/anoise
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wiznote-team
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway (rawtherapee)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp-edge
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freecad-maintainers/freecad-daily,(sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:freecad-maintainers/freecad-stable)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:librecad-dev/librecad-daily,(sudo add-apt-repository ppa:librecad-dev/librecad-stable)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dimula73/krita
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:scribus/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps,(curlew)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps,(converseen)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:plushuang-tw/uget-devel,(uget)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa,(firefox)

sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool vlc wiznote smplayer anoise* soundconverter deluge indicator-china-weather synaptic gnome-color-manager kazam lives scribus-trunk rar unrar ark playonlinux brasero blender krita3-testing gimp gimp-gmic rawtherapee-unstable freecad-daily librecad libreoffice curlew bleachbit gimp-ufraw ufraw-batch converseen goldendict uget firefox gnome-raw-thumbnailer

卸载:freecad 安装 freecad-daily
安装:gimp-ufraw ufraw-batch
卸载:scribus 安装 scribus-trunk

sudo apt-get install gimp-lensfun gimp-plugin-registry gimp-texturize icc-profiles gimp-ufraw ufraw-batc
帖子: 1038
注册时间: 2012-06-09 15:40

Re: Ubuntu&Fedora装机&Mac装机(Mac装机将会持续更新)


帖子 243750496 » 2017-07-28 14:46

libreoffice draw 制作流程图(mac linux Windows)
还有一款应用如果你是UI控一定会喜欢:dialog messenger

代码: 全选

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb https://atlassian.artifactoryonline.com/atlassian/hipchat-apt-client $(lsb_release -c -s) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/atlassian-hipchat4.list'
wget -O - https://atlassian.artifactoryonline.com/atlassian/api/gpg/key/public | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install hipchat4
Viva Designer(付费排版软件):如果不能运行请输入:sudo apt-get install libusb-0.1-4
simplify3D(3D打印软件)注如果想添加到开始菜单只需输入以下命令:sudo mv '/home/atc/Desktop/Simplify3D.desktop' /usr/share/applications/
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libxmu6:i386 libfreetype6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libjpeg62:i386 libtiff5:i386 libxft2:i386

To add OpenGL:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx:i386
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa:i386

check "ldd ./ac3d" to see what libraries are needed.


aftershot(linux下的linghtroom 支持mac linux windows)
Bitwig Studio liniux下制作音乐的软件(支持mac linux Windows)
Pixeluvo (另一款Photoshop替代品支持Windows和Linux)
Flareget (linux下的下载软件)
BricsCAD(比较贵) Linux 下的cl与AutoCAD 媲美的cad软件
nuke(可以申请non-commercial版本(仅供学习使用)) 电影特效软件
chmod +x *.run
如果需要输入账号激活请先Deauthorize this device探后authorize this device , 不然会激活试用版
如果使用sudo sh *.run会导致安装停留在是否接受协议的界面,而且千万不要用sudo

houdini(也有non-commercial版本,同样也是仅供学习使用,不推荐各种许可贵得很而且都有阉割))类似blender的3D动画软件(sudo ./houdini.install不是sudo sh houdini.install)

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aftershot-dependencies.list'

Then install the dependencies:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libpng12-0 libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 libgstreamer0.10-0

Lightworks 无法启动

I found the easiest solution.
Just download two libs and put them on /usr/lib/lightworks/.

This is the detailed instruction for those who want a little help.

1. Download:
- packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/libportaudio2
- packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/libportaudiocpp0
Choose amd64 on the bottom and then any mirror.

2. Extract .deb files. Right click on file -> extract here.
3. Go to each of extracted folder and extract data.tar.xz
4. go to extracted folder usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and move two files to e.g. ~/Downloads/
5. Do this for both files
6. you should have 4 files:
- libportaudiocpp.so.0
- libportaudio.so.2
- libportaudiocpp.so.0.0.12
- libportaudio.so.2.0.0
7. now just run the command in terminal:
- cd ~/Downloads/
- sudo cp libportaudio* /usr/lib/lightworks/

Lightworks will work and you do not mess with OS.


1. Houdini (2187.7Mb) yes
2. Desktop Menus for Houdini yes
3. Symlinks in /usr/local/bin yes
4. Symlink /opt/hfs16.0 to install directory yes
5. Apprentice Licensing (Local Licensing) no
6. Commercial Licensing (License Server) (19.8Mb) yes
7. Houdini Engine for Maya (4.7Mb) no
8. Houdini Engine for Unity (2.1Mb) no
9. HQueue Server (495.0Mb) no
10. HQueue Client (420.0Mb) no

D. Change installation directory (/opt/hfs16.0.633)
F. Finished selections, proceed to next step
Q. Quit (no installation will be attempted)

Note that the Houdini Development Kit (HDK) is installed as part
of the full Houdini installation (selection 1 above).

Current total space requirement: 2261 Mb
What is your selection (1-10,D,F,Q) [F] ==> 5


Enter a number to toggle an item to be installed.

1. Houdini (2187.7Mb) yes
2. Desktop Menus for Houdini yes
3. Symlinks in /usr/local/bin yes
4. Symlink /opt/hfs16.0 to install directory yes
5. Apprentice Licensing (Local Licensing) yes
6. Commercial Licensing (License Server) (19.8Mb) no
7. Houdini Engine for Maya (4.7Mb) no
8. Houdini Engine for Unity (2.1Mb) no
9. HQueue Server (495.0Mb) no
10. HQueue Client (420.0Mb) no

D. Change installation directory (/opt/hfs16.0.633)
F. Finished selections, proceed to next step
Q. Quit (no installation will be attempted)

Note that the Houdini Development Kit (HDK) is installed as part
of the full Houdini installation (selection 1 above).

Current total space requirement: 2240 Mb
What is your selection (1-10,D,F,Q) [F] ==> F

Apprentice:仅供学习使用的序列号,Symlinks in /usr/local/bin在/usr/local/bin中建立链接,方便排错(不然无法用命令来启动并查看输出)

1、重新安装前必须卸载原版如果你安装了商业许可证,否则将无法完成重新安装 2、此外建议装最新版NVIDIA 驱动 3、如果都不行那么只有重装系统才能正确安装了
atc@ATC:~/houdini-16.0.633-linux_x86_64_gcc4.8$ cd /opt/hfs16.0.633/
atc@ATC:/opt/hfs16.0.633$ sudo ./houdini.uninstall
Are you sure you want to uninstall Houdini 16.0.633? [yes or no]
帖子: 1038
注册时间: 2012-06-09 15:40

Re: Ubuntu&Fedora装机&Mac装机(Mac装机将会持续更新)


帖子 243750496 » 2017-07-31 20:18

gnome-tweak-tool->Desktop->Icons on Desktop->On
gnome-tweak-tool->Top bar->Show Application menu->on然后AC3d的菜单就出来了(不然以为是个简单粗暴的软件呢)
top menu.png



关闭wacom的触控板功能:系统设置->Mouse & TouchPad->TouchPad->Off
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inkscape.dev/trunk
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install inkscape-trunk

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eivnaes/network-manager-sstp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install network-manager-sstp
然后在Software & update里将zesty改成xenial


安装SSTP清先添加以下地址(打开Software & update->Add):

代码: 全选

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/eivnaes/network-manager-sstp/ubuntu xenial main 
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/eivnaes/network-manager-sstp/ubuntu xenial main
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install network-manager-sstp

Here is how to setup SSTP on Ubuntu:

By default Ubuntu offer PPTP protocol but you can configure L2TP (Ununtu 12 and earlier), OpenVPN and SSTP as well.

Here are the simple steps to configure SSTP protocol on Ubuntu. We will configure it in two steps.

Step1: Download and Install required packages
Step2: Configure SSTP protocol

Here we go:

Step1: Download and Install required packages

Visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/sstp-client/files/

and download following packages as per your OS / bit.

For Ubuntu 32bit download:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/sstp-cl ... ent/1.0.9/


http://sourceforge.net/projects/sstp-cl ... p/0.9.4-1/


For Ubuntu 64bit download:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/sstp-cl ... ent/1.0.9/


http://sourceforge.net/projects/sstp-cl ... p/0.9.4-1/


1 Right click on libsstp-client0_1.0.9_i386.deb and open with “Ubuntu Software Center“

2 Click on “install” to continue

3 Provide you Ubuntu password and click on “Authenticate” to continue

4 Once installed. Go back to downloads folder

5 Right click on sstp-client_1.0.9_i386 and open with “Ubuntu Software Center“

6 Click on “install” to continue

7 Once installed. Go back to downloads folder

8 Right click on network-manager-sstp_0.9.4-0ubuntu2_i386.deb and open with “Ubuntu Software Center“

9 Click on “install” to continue

10 Once installed. Go back to downloads folder

11 Right click on network-manager-sstp-gnome_0.9.4-0ubuntu2_i386.deb and open with “Ubuntu Software Center“

12 Click on “install” to continue

13 Once installed. Go back to downloads folderCenter”

* After installing pacakges. Reboot your system.


Step2: Configure SSTP protocol

1 Click on “Network Manager Icon“

2 Go to “VPN Connections” and select “Configure VPN…“
3 Click on “Add“
4 Click on drop down menu
5 Select “Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)” and click “Create“
6 Do the following:

Insert Connection Name “PureVPN SSTP“
Insert desired Gatway. Click here to get the server list
Insert Username provided by PureVPN
Insert Password provided by PureVPN
Check “Ignore certificate warnings“
Click on “Advanced“
7 Do the following:

Uncheck “Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE)“
Check following options:
Allow BSD Data compression
Allow Deflate data compression
Use TCP header compression
Send PPP echo packets
Click on “OK“
8 Click on “Save” and close the “Network connections” window
9 Do the following:

Click on “Network Connection Icon“
Go to VPN Connections and select Newly created “PureVPN SSTP” connection
10 You are connected now. Enjoy the FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!
11 To disconnect VPN

Click on “Network Connection Icon“
Go to VPN Connections and select “Disconnect VPN“
Substance Pack Indie

steam-101错误选择Download->Clear Download Cache
如果遇到无法下载才需要换区:Download->Download Region

解决opera:your preferences files cannot be read
sudo apt-get install opera-developer
sudo apt-get remove opera-stable

https://www.playonlinux.com/en/app-2316 ... p_CS6.html
点击右上角install this program即可导入playonlinux 进行安装(playonlinux自带是没有cs6安装的)
install.png (5.87 KiB) 查看 13225 次
https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager. ... &iId=25607

代码: 全选

wget http://crossover.codeweavers.com/redirect/crossover.bin
chmod 755 crossover.bin
千万别用sudo,否则卸载需要root权限,而且升级也需要root权限(卸载命令:sudo '/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxuninstall' )

代码: 全选


https://www.playonlinux.com/en/app-3121 ... n_CS6.html

/home/atc/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/IndesignCS6/drive_c/users/atc/Application Data/Adobe/InDesign/Version 8.0/en_US/Workspaces
/home/atc/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/PhotoshopCS6/drive_c/users/atc/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings/WorkSpaces
/home/atc/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/IllustratorCS6/drive_c/users/atc/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Illustrator CS6 Settings/en_GB/x86/Workspaces
最新的+非官方的软件都在forums里(Supported Software和playonlinux的安装软件界面都没有包含)

linux上把workspace拷过去后如果不行比如ps中相应window尺寸不能调整那么点击Window->Workspace->Reset XX即可

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/Release.key
sudo apt-key add Release.key
sudo apt-add-repository https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-staging

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
如果还不行就把Software & Updates -> Updates ->install update from全部打上勾然后重新执行
check it.png
注意:sudo apt-get install wine 会安装wine1.6而这个包太老,所以和新系统不匹配

https://www.playonlinux.com/en/app-2665 ... _2013.html
sudo apt-get install winbind
http://onesoftwares.com/office-2013-pro ... -download/
mkdir /home/atc/cdrom
sudo mount -o loop '/home/atc/Downloads/OfficeProfessionalPlus_x86_en-us.img' /home/atc/cdrom

choose installation method->DVD
Where is mounted your CD-ROM->Other->/home/atc/cdrom
List Your Currently Mounted File System
Either use df or mount command as follows:
# df -H
# mount
Unmount an ISO Image
Type the following command (assuming that your image is mounted at /mnt/iso):
sudo umount /home/atc/cdrom
You can also force unmount (if it is giving some error), enter:
sudo umount -f /home/atc/cdrom

Office 365下载(2016)
进入My account ->Language 32/64bit and other install options->Download offline installer


如果有序列号却无法激活请先设置crossover wine 版本为win10打开word崩溃后调回win7然后就能顺利激活了,如果没有千万别上网买都是假的或二手货,推荐用wps for linux,如果习惯Windows界面和中文那么可以尝试永中office

文件-> 选项->视图->启动任务面板->取消勾选
上次由 243750496 在 2017-08-10 17:34,总共编辑 39 次。
帖子: 1038
注册时间: 2012-06-09 15:40

Re: Ubuntu&Fedora装机&Mac装机(Mac装机将会持续更新)


帖子 243750496 » 2017-08-03 15:54


apt-get upgrade will not change what is installed (only versions),
apt-get dist-upgrade will install or remove packages as necessary to complete the upgrade,

mkdir [-p] DirName说明:建立一个子目录。参数:-p 确保目录名称存在,如果目录不存在的就新创建 ...

UV简单的说就是贴图在模型上的坐标位置。 你程度不高,那你就直接理解为UV就是贴图在模型上的位置就行了。比如要调整UV,实际就是调整贴图在模型上的位置。

AO,Ambient Occlusion,“环境光散射”、“环境光吸收”之意,现今书籍和网络上一般称作“环境光遮蔽”

Loop device:

Files of this kind are often used for CD ISO images and floppy disc images
The .iso file extension is the one most commonly used for this type of disc images. The .img extension can also be found on some ISO image files, such as in some images from Microsoft DreamSpark; however, IMG files, which also use the .img extension, tend to have slightly different contents. The .udf file extension is sometimes used to indicate that the file system inside the ISO image is actually UDF and not ISO 9660.

sudo su
G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --num-callers=40 --log-file=valgrind.log $('/home/atc/Downloads/Compressed/Simplify3D-4.0.0-linux-x64-installer.run') sh

--num-callers=<number> [default: 12]

从root切换回普通用户:su atc

Blender 启用Cuda
sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-modprobe

nvidia opencl
sudo apt-get install ocl-icd-opencl-dev nvidia-opencl-dev nvidia-prime opencl-headers




上次由 243750496 在 2017-08-18 20:01,总共编辑 13 次。
帖子: 1038
注册时间: 2012-06-09 15:40

Re: Ubuntu&Fedora装机&Mac装机(Mac装机将会持续更新)


帖子 243750496 » 2017-08-03 18:34

sudo apt-get remove lives wings3d k3d shotcut kdenlive

付费软件(不支持ubuntu 去除的付费软件大部分只支持centos,但其他推荐软件支持ubuntu)
modo mari nuke
上次由 243750496 在 2017-08-09 17:36,总共编辑 3 次。
帖子: 1038
注册时间: 2012-06-09 15:40

Re: Ubuntu&Fedora装机&Mac装机(Mac装机将会持续更新)


帖子 243750496 » 2017-08-04 14:16



代码: 全选

eXtensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF)

Security policy

Are you an administrator of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 (RHEL7.2) Server and you want to handle credit card information and payments? Then you probably already heard about the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) must be followed by anyone who is handling credit card information and payments. It is a proprietary information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes.

U.S. Government Commercial Cloud Services (C2S) baseline. This baseline was inspired by the Center for Internet Security (CIS)

note there is no representation or claim that the C2S profile will ensure a system is in compliance or consistency with the CIS baseline.


Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) by The United States Department of Defense specify how government computers must be configured and managed.

This is a *draft* profile for STIG. This profile is being developed under the DoD consensus model to become a STIG in coordination with DISA FSO.

Where is the RHEL7 STIG?

Question: May I deploy a product if no STIG exists?
Answer: Yes, based on mission need and with DAA approval.
Question: What do I use if there is no STIG?
Answer: DISA FSO developed Security Requirement Guides (SRGs) to address technology areas. In the absence of a STIG, an SRG can be used to determine compliance with DoD policies. If there is no applicable SRG or STIG, industry or vendor recommended practices may be used. Examples include Center for Internet Security Benchmarks, Payment Card Industry requirements or the vendor's own security documentation.

The United States Government Configuration Baseline (USGCB) creates security configuration baselines for IT products widely deployed across the federal agencies. The USGCB is a Federal government-wide initiative that provides guidance to agencies on what should be done to improve and maintain an effective configuration settings focusing prima
上次由 243750496 在 2017-08-05 17:35,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 1038
注册时间: 2012-06-09 15:40

Re: Ubuntu&Fedora装机&Mac装机(Mac装机将会持续更新)


帖子 243750496 » 2017-08-04 15:19


代码: 全选

Two technicians working on equipment racks superimposed on a screen of data.
Committee on
National Security Systems
The instructions presented under this topic provide guidance and establishes technical criteria for specific national security systems issues. These instructions include technical or implementation guidelines, restrictions, doctrines, and procedures applicable to cybersecurity. All instructions are binding upon all U.S. Government departments and agencies.
File Type Title/Description
PDF file
NSTISSI 4002 This document is designated FOUO
Release Date: 04/24/2017, File Size: 89578
This document is classified, please see attached document.
This document is designated FOUO. To access protected FOUO content in the CNSS Library, you must login with a Federal/DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC) client certificate correctly installed in your browser and click on the "CAC/PKI/PIV Login" button above.
PDF file
CNSSI 1001
National Instruction On Classified Information Spillage
Release Date: 02/01/2008, File Size: 101612
PDF file
CNSSI 1002 This document is designated FOUO
Management of Combined Secure Interoperability Requirements
Release Date: 09/04/2007, File Size: 98223
This document is designated FOUO. To access protected FOUO content in the CNSS Library, you must login with a Federal/DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC) client certificate correctly installed in your browser and click on the "CAC/PKI/PIV Login" button above.
PDF file
CNSSI 1010 This document is designated FOUO
Cyber Incident Response
Release Date: 12/16/2016, File Size: 5650218
Replaces 24x7 Computer Incident Response Capability (CIRC) on National Security Systems Original Release Date: 07/24/2013
This document is designated FOUO. To access protected FOUO content in the CNSS Library, you must login with a Federal/DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC) client certificate correctly installed in your browser and click on the "CAC/PKI/PIV Login" button above.
PDF file
CNSSI 1011 This document is designated FOUO
Implementing Host-Based Security Capabilities on National Security Systems
Release Date: 07/24/2013, File Size: 289804
This document is designated FOUO. To access protected FOUO content in the CNSS Library, you must login with a Federal/DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC) client certificate correctly installed in your browser and click on the "CAC/PKI/PIV Login" button above.
PDF file
CNSSI 1012 This document is designated FOUO
Instruction for Network Mapping of National Security Systems (NSS)
Release Date: 07/24/2013, File Size: 314155
This document is designated FOUO. To access protected FOUO content in the CNSS Library, you must login with a Federal/DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC) client certificate correctly installed in your browser and click on the "CAC/PKI/PIV Login" button above.
PDF file
CNSSI 1013 This document is designated FOUO
Network Intrusion Detection Sys & Intrusion Prevention Sys (IDS/IPS) on NSS
Release Date: 07/17/2013, File Size: 309023
This Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) provides operational guidance and assigns responsibilities for deploying network intrusion detection systems and network intrusion prevention systems (IDS/IPS) capabilities for National Security Systems (NSS), as defined in Reference c. This Instruction is a derivative issuance of the National Directive on