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Re: 判斷操作系統狀態的好壞

发表于 : 2017-02-14 8:36
寺島聰子 写了:

代码: 全选

mv ~/.config/dwb ~/.config/dwb-orig
mv - move (rename) files

代码: 全选

apt-get update
Run this command after changing /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/preferences . Run this command periodically to make sure your source list is up-to-date. This is the equivalent of "Reload" in Synaptic

代码: 全选

apt-get purge <package_name>
This command completely removes a package and the associated configuration files.
Note that the package 'dwb' has been removed in recent releases of debian and ubuntu/mint, probably because its development has been stalled for a long time and it deemed too unstable to be accepted.
See also:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour ... ug/1550493
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugrepo ... bug=820351
>dwb is a web browser without active upstream. Since nobody answered to #811405,
I'd rather have dwb removed from the archive than keep a unsupported browser. So
please remove dwb from unstable.

大変参考になりました。ご指導ありがとうございました。完全動作は期待せず、クラッシュしても「こういうものなんだ」と思い、一種の諦観をもって 使っていきます。
「Keyboard のみの操作」という自分にとって楽しく、かつ稀有の機能ゆえに、完全に手放すことは できませんが。。。
It was very helpful. Thank you for instraction. I do not expect complete operation, even though I crash, I think that it is "such thing", I will use it with a kind of resignation.
Although I can not let go of it completely, due to the fun and rare functions of myself "Keyboard only operation". . .
「Keyboard のみの操作」,对我来说很有乐趣且稀有的技能,还是不能完全置之不理。

Re: 判斷操作系統狀態的好壞

发表于 : 2017-02-14 19:56
At first, I could not understand the meaning being said. Why is it present in Synaptic?
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dwb
I installed this by typing this command? I do not have it in memory.
1. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite ... chon=names
套件 dwb
trusty (14.04LTS) (web): lightweight WebKit browser [universe]
20130503hg-2ubuntu1: amd64 arm64 armhf i386 powerpc ppc64el
1-1. Only in Ubuntu 14.04 But not in Ubuntu 16.04 or other release.
1. http://packages.linuxmint.com/
Search package directories:
Release: Any
Section: Any
Keyword: dwb
Search Result: No
1-1. It means that dwb was not included in the official repositries of Linux Mint.
Shortcuts: main - upstream - import - backport - romeo
1. Guest It only Searches main Repository from ubuntu 14.04 in linuxmint 7.2 while dwb is in universe Repository from ubuntu 14.04. (So not any research result)
猜測 在 linuxmint 7.2 它只搜索 ubuntu 14.04 的 main 套件庫, 但是 dwb是在 ubuntu 的 universe 套件庫。 (所以 沒有搜尋到 dwb)
Mint 17.2 uses an Ubuntu 14.04 package base.
2. Difference between Linux Mint and Ubuntu :
2-1. http://www.diffen.com/difference/Linux_Mint_vs_Ubuntu
Linux Mint vs. Ubuntu
their interface and default applications have become increasingly different over time.
2-2. https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=236248
significant difference with mint and ubuntu?