[翻译结束][Ubuntu网站中文化]协作翻译项目 - Ubuntu Server 概览

帖子: 499
注册时间: 2008-05-09 17:02
系统: Ubuntu 13.04

[翻译结束][Ubuntu网站中文化]协作翻译项目 - Ubuntu Server 概览


帖子 yexiaoxing » 2013-05-04 0:36





以下为需翻译内容:(只剩下part 2没有翻译了哦
翻译第一部分 Translation Part One:已被翻译
[4886] Rackspace Cloud

[4887] HP Cloud

[7829] Learn more about Ubuntu Cloud ›

[8489] Learn more about Juju ›

[8492] Learn more about MAAS ›

[9847] Performance and versatility

[9848] Fast, secure, deploy-anywhere technology for fast-moving companies

[9854] A release schedule you can depend on

[9855] Stay up-to-date with free and regular updates and upgrades

[9859] Works with all your hardware and software

[9860] View all certified hardware ›

[9861] View all certified software ›

[9885] Choose from the most popular public clouds

[9893] Speed and simplicity, on bare metal or in the cloud

[9894] Our big data partners

[9897] The fast track to virtualisation

[9909] A thriving community

[9910] Exchange expertise and ideas with thousands of other IT professionals

[10287] Learn more about Ubuntu Advantage ›

[10676] Amazon Web Services

[10677] Internap

[10678] Microsoft Windows Azure

[12246] Read the Ubuntu Insights blog ›

[12247] The decision-maker’s guide to the cloud and open source enterprise computing.

[12275] five years

[12276] , are perfect if you're looking for more stability over a longer period of time.

[13896] Ubuntu for business

[13984] Contact us about

[13985] Ubuntu Server.

[13986] Ubuntu Server guide ›

[13987] FAQ

[13988] s ›

翻译第二部分 Translation Part Two:
[14020] Support and systems management

[14061] Ubuntu Advantage is the commercial support package from Canonical, offering efficient systems administration software, fast problem resolution and access to experts when you need them.

[14545] Ubuntu Server - for scale out computing | Ubuntu

[14546] Ubuntu Server — for scale out computing

[14547] What’s new in 13.04

[14548] High Availability for key OpenStack components built into Juju charms

[14549] New charms for Ceph, node.js, Ruby on Rails, and Django

[14550] Charms have built-in SSL support

[14551] Full production-level Juju GUI

[14552] Grizzly backported for 12.04 LTS, available through

[14553] Cloud Archive

[14554] Ceilometer metering tool monitors usage and resources

[14555] Further development of Quantum, OpenStack’s virtual networking API

[14556] Read more in our 13.04 press release ›

[14557] Scale out at speed with Ubuntu on HP Moonshot

[14558] Ubuntu, the leading OS for x86 and ARM Hyperscale is partnering with HP to disrupt the server marketplace with

[14559] HP Moonshot system — launching April 2013.

[14560] Ubuntu is the scale out leader and is fully integrated in the

[14561] HP Moonshot system.

[14562] Scale without restrictions

[14563] Read our success stories

[14564] Ubuntu Big Data environment provides new insight into music industry trends ›

[14565] Ubuntu powers online presence for Heart FM, Capital FM and Classic FM ›

[14566] JT Global standardises mission-critical production system on Ubuntu ›

[14567] Juju — service orchestration

[14568] MAAS — bare metal provisioning

[14569] Deploys anywhere

[14570] We provide images for more public cloud providers than anyone else and we make sure they’re kept up-to-date. That means you can choose the very best software, hardware and services to meet your needs.

[14571] Learn more about Ubuntu Cloud Guest ›

[14572] Ubuntu Server is available now for:

[14573] Built for big data and cloud

[14574] Join the community ›

翻译第三部分 Translation Part Three: 已翻译完成
{834} Ready to boost efficiencies and reduce costs? Virtualise your servers with Ubuntu Server and KVM. When you use a secure, lean version of Ubuntu as a guest operating system for your application, you can create virtual machine images in minutes. KVM, Xen, VMware and LXC are all supported.

{1608} Want to talk to other Ubuntu users straightaway? Share ideas and get advice and help from our large, active community of IT professionals. As a community, we set high standards for friendliness and tolerance, we welcome your questions and contributions!

{1609} The leading platform for scale out Ubuntu helps you make the most of your infrastructure. Whether you want to deploy a cloud, a Hadoop cluster or a web farm, Ubuntu Server delivers the best value scale out performance available.

{1610} It doesn’t matter whether you want to deploy a NoSQL database, web farm or cloud. Ubuntu has the performance and versatility you need. Certified by leading hardware OEMs and with comprehensive deployment tools, so you can get the most from your infrastructure.

{1611} Our regular release cycle means that we support most of the latest applications. And our lean initial install and integrated deployment and orchestration technologies makes Ubuntu Server a great solution for simple deployment and management at scale.

{1612} With no licence fees or subscription costs, Ubuntu Server can help you scale your data centre efficiently. Its streamlined architecture and automated deployment capabilities enables you to deliver more services with less computing power and fewer resources.

{1613} The Ubuntu Server release schedule fits in with your business needs. Standard releases every six months help you stay up-to-date with the very latest hardware and software changes. Long-term support (LTS) releases, supported for

{1614} With over 100 services ready to deploy, Juju enables you to build entire environments in the cloud easily with the Juju Designer GUI. Juju works with public clouds like Amazon Web Services and HP Cloud, private clouds built on OpenStack or raw bare metal via MAAS.

{1615} MAAS is a system that makes it quick and easy to set up the physical hardware base on which to deploy complex services that need to scale up and down dynamically, like Ubuntu’s OpenStack cloud infrastructure.

{1616} Want the power of Ubuntu Server in the public cloud? Ubuntu Cloud Guest offers all the goodness of Ubuntu Server, specially tailored for public cloud infrastructures and without any licence restrictions.

{1617} With its new rapid deployment tools, Ubuntu significantly speeds up the installation of server instances on bare metal. And our service orchestration tool, Juju, makes deploying big data services surprisingly simple — on bare metal or in the cloud. That's why vendors like 10gen, Cloudera, Couchbase, DataStax, Hortonworks, LexisNexis and Map-R partner with us.
帖子: 411
注册时间: 2012-05-14 18:39

Re: [新!][Ubuntu网站中文化]协作翻译项目 - Ubuntu Server 概览


帖子 hawkIdeality » 2013-05-04 14:42

我翻译的是part 3。


{834} Ready to boost efficiencies and reduce costs? Virtualise your servers with Ubuntu Server and KVM. When you use a secure, lean version of Ubuntu as a guest operating system for your application, you can create virtual machine images in minutes. KVM, Xen, VMware and LXC are all supported.
准备提升效率并减少开支吗?用Ubuntu Server和KVM来虚拟化您的服务器吧。当使用安全精简的Ubuntu版本来作为您的应用程序的客户操作系统时,您可以在很短时间内创建虚拟机镜像。并且支持KVM,Xen,VMware和LXC。

{1608} Want to talk to other Ubuntu users straightaway? Share ideas and get advice and help from our large, active community of IT professionals. As a community, we set high standards for friendliness and tolerance, we welcome your questions and contributions!

{1609} The leading platform for scale out Ubuntu helps you make the most of your infrastructure. Whether you want to deploy a cloud, a Hadoop cluster or a web farm, Ubuntu Server delivers the best value scale out performance available.
作为领先的横向扩展平台,Ubuntu能帮助您构建大部分的基础设施。无论您想要部署云,Hadoop集群还是虚拟主机,Ubuntu Server都为您提供最具价值的横向扩展性能。

{1610} It doesn’t matter whether you want to deploy a NoSQL database, web farm or cloud. Ubuntu has the performance and versatility you need. Certified by leading hardware OEMs and with comprehensive deployment tools, so you can get the most from your infrastructure.

{1611} Our regular release cycle means that we support most of the latest applications. And our lean initial install and integrated deployment and orchestration technologies makes Ubuntu Server a great solution for simple deployment and management at scale.
我们的常规发布周期意味着我们支持大部分最新的应用程序。并且我们精简的初始安装和集成部署以及编配技术,使得Ubuntu Server成为大规模简易部署和管理的优秀解决方案。

{1612} With no licence fees or subscription costs, Ubuntu Server can help you scale your data centre efficiently. Its streamlined architecture and automated deployment capabilities enables you to deliver more services with less computing power and fewer resources.
无需许可和订购的费用,Ubuntu Server可以帮助您高效地扩展您的数据中心。它精简的架构和自动化部署的能力让您只需花费更少的运算能力和资源,便可提供更多的服务。

{1613} The Ubuntu Server release schedule fits in with your business needs. Standard releases every six months help you stay up-to-date with the very latest hardware and software changes. Long-term support (LTS) releases, supported for
Ubuntu Server的发布计划与您的业务需求相适应。每六个月发布一次的标准版本帮助您跟最新的硬件和软件变更保持更新。若您寻求在更长时间内拥有更好的稳定性,那么提供五年支持的长期支持(LTS)版本则是最佳选择。

{1614} With over 100 services ready to deploy, Juju enables you to build entire environments in the cloud easily with the Juju Designer GUI. Juju works with public clouds like Amazon Web Services and HP Cloud, private clouds built on OpenStack or raw bare metal via MAAS.
Juju拥有超过100项随时可以部署的服务,让您可以轻松运用Juju图形界面开发工具在云中构建完整的环境。Juju可使用于公有云如Amazon Web服务和惠普云,基于OpenStack的私有云或者运行于MAAS的裸机。

{1615} MAAS is a system that makes it quick and easy to set up the physical hardware base on which to deploy complex services that need to scale up and down dynamically, like Ubuntu’s OpenStack cloud infrastructure.

{1616} Want the power of Ubuntu Server in the public cloud? Ubuntu Cloud Guest offers all the goodness of Ubuntu Server, specially tailored for public cloud infrastructures and without any licence restrictions.
想要在公有云上运用Ubuntu Server吗?Ubuntu Cloud Guest集Ubuntu Server的长处于一身,为公有云基础设施量身定制且没有任何协议限制。

{1617} With its new rapid deployment tools, Ubuntu significantly speeds up the installation of server instances on bare metal. And our service orchestration tool, Juju, makes deploying big data services surprisingly simple — on bare metal or in the cloud. That's why vendors like 10gen, Cloudera, Couchbase, DataStax, Hortonworks, LexisNexis and Map-R partner with us.
上次由 hawkIdeality 在 2013-05-04 22:20,总共编辑 3 次。
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帖子: 366
注册时间: 2012-11-13 11:30
系统: ubuntu17.10,Arch

Re: [新!][Ubuntu网站中文化]协作翻译项目 - Ubuntu Server 概览


帖子 IsoaSFlus » 2013-05-04 14:48

帖子: 499
注册时间: 2008-05-09 17:02
系统: Ubuntu 13.04

Re: [新!][Ubuntu网站中文化]协作翻译项目 - Ubuntu Server 概览


帖子 yexiaoxing » 2013-05-04 15:53

IsoaSFlus 写了:我也想参与……不过怕被人笑话……